What Are the Signs of Depression?

  • Depression can manifest in a variety of ways, and its symptoms can vary greatly from person to person. However, some of the most common signs of depression include:

    1. Persistent Sadness or Low Mood: This might include feeling continuously sad or empty or crying frequently.

    2. Loss of Interest or Pleasure: This is characterized by a lack of interest or pleasure in activities that were once enjoyed, including hobbies, social activities, or sex.

    3. Changes in Appetite or Weight: This could be a significant weight loss or weight gain when not dieting, or changes in appetite, such as not feeling hungry or overeating.

    4. Sleep Disturbances: This might include insomnia (difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep) or hypersomnia (excessive sleeping).

    5. Physical and Mental Sluggishness: This could be observed as slowed speech, thinking, or body movements, or feeling restless or having trouble sitting still.

    6. Fatigue or Loss of Energy: This includes feeling tired all the time, having little energy, or feeling as though even small tasks take extra effort.

    7. Feelings of Worthlessness or Guilt: This might include harsh self-criticism, feelings of worthlessness, or guilt over perceived faults or mistakes.

    8. Difficulty Thinking, Concentrating, or Making Decisions: This could manifest as trouble focusing, remembering, or making decisions.

    9. Thoughts of Death or Suicide: This includes thinking about or planning suicide, or making a suicide attempt.

    10. Unexplained Physical Problems: This might include physical aches or pains, headaches, cramps, or digestive problems that do not ease even with treatment.

    It's important to note that these symptoms must be persistent, lasting at least two weeks, and represent a change from previous functioning to be indicative of depression. If you or someone you know is experiencing these symptoms, it's crucial to seek help from a healthcare provider. They can provide a proper diagnosis and discuss treatment options. If you're feeling suicidal, it's important to reach out to a trusted individual or professional immediately or contact a suicide hotline in your country.

Learn More About My Approaches


    A specialized therapy combining somatic and attachment-focused techniques for effective trauma treatment. Experience personalized care that addresses both mind and body, fostering deep healing from traumatic experiences.

  • NARM

    A progressive approach to addressing C-PTSD and developmental trauma by focusing on the connection between cognitive and somatic processes. It emphasizes the importance of nurturing one's strengths and growth, working with the body's nervous system to heal from trauma and rediscover the authentic self.

  • Ego-State Therapy

    Addresses trauma and dissociation by engaging with the various parts of one's personality, developed in response to life experiences. This therapeutic approach, which can include hypnoprojection and visualization, aims to integrate these parts into a cohesive self, promoting healing and a more unified identity.

  • DBT

    Integrates cognitive-behavioral techniques with mindfulness practices to treat various emotional and behavioral issues. This evidence-based approach helps individuals balance acceptance and change, enhancing emotional regulation, distress tolerance, and interpersonal effectiveness.

If any of the above apply to you, and you live within Iowa City, IA or any surrounding areas, please feel free to reach out at any time. I greatly look forward to hearing from you soon, and to get your therapeutic journey started.