A Therapist's Guide to Mastering Your Sleep

Sale Price:$0.99 Original Price:$2.00

In a world that never sleeps, it's easy to forget the golden rule of well-being: a good night's sleep. Introducing "A Therapist's Guide to Mastering Your Sleep," the comprehensive guide designed to usher you into a realm of peaceful slumbers and rejuvenating rest.

Why Choose This Guide?

I've been there, sleep is hard. So many nights were spent lying awake, waiting for sleep to come to me without any sort of plan of action. This guide breaks down sleep in digestible, simple way to get you back on track as soon as possible. I've been a clinician for many years, and sleep is at the foundation of all of the work I do with clients.

What's Inside?

Sleep Hygiene: Learn the art of creating a sleep-friendly environment, from the perfect sleep timings to the habits you need to sleep successfully.

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